A Podcast of New Yorker Cartoons

cartoonThis is not what most people think of when they think of a "podcast."

It's a video podcast that features animated versions of The New Yorker's famous cartoons.

has the exclusive license to animate and distribute The New Yorker's library (which includes 70,000 cartoons). They send out a few each week so far.

Of course, I always check the index in the magazine for poems first, then for a story by someone I love to read ("Aha! A new Updike story!"), but when pressed for time (dentist waiting room), I always flip through the cartoons first. Literature will wait.

These are amusing little (less than 30 seconds) films, but they could be used for more. Excellent storyboarding (story-building) exercise for students - you supply the single panel cartoons as a starting place. Good for developing a visual design, simple drawing (yes, you can use the cartoon as a model, in fact, you MUST). Good samples to use as examples of irony, satire etc.

You can use this link to get them right in iTunes or their RSS link for another player - and if you're not the subscribing type (still buying magazines at the newsstand, are you?), you can head over to The New Yorker online.


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