What Is Your Definition of Social Media in Education?

There is a graphic online that shows data from a survey done by Pearson. One stat is that 70% of faculty use social media in their personal lives. But only 41% use it in the classroom.

But as another blogger points out, it was a rather antisocial social media report. There is no no way to embed the graphic or share it on social networks.

A few takeaways from this report. They found blogs and wikis to be the most commonly used social media tools. A lot of us would not count those as social media, although they have social aspects (like commenting). Again, I agree with the aforementioned blog that considers them as "less social and more web 2.0." They are also very content and user-centered.  Same thing with the second most popular tool - podcasts.

So, for me, another takeaway: How do you define social media on the context of the classroom?


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