It’s the End of the University As We Know It (and I feel fine)


I will be attending the NJEDge.Net Annual Conference this week (November 28-30, 2012) and will be doing a presentation on Friday.

My presentation will be part of an IGNITE session where five presenters each get five minutes to speak accompanied by 20 auto-advanced slides at 15 seconds each. The challenge is to “ignite” the audience on a subject - generate awareness and stimulate thought and action on the subjects

My session is titled "It’s the End of the University As We Know It (and I feel fine)" and it comes out of my ideas about how the next ten years will transform universities in ways that will be frightening for anyone hoping to hold onto the university model that has
existed for almost 900 years. It is very likely that, powered by technology, movements such as open educational resources, MOOCs, big data, non-degree programs and alternatives to a traditional university degree will lead to the end of University 1.0.

What will be the tipping point that brings about not only University 2.0 but also a broader School 2.0?

If you are attending, please stop by my poster session in the afternoon and tell me your thoughts.  For non-attendees, I will post the slides after the conference in a post here.


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