Humanizing Technlogy: NJEDge.Net Conference 2012

NJEDge.Net's Conference 9.0 has the theme this year of "Humanizing Technology." The conference is always a vibrant forum for the NJ K-20 community to showcase, discuss and explore best practices on today's campus.

Plenary speakers include:
Jon Landis, Assistant Professor, Ed. Leadership & Ed. Technology, Millersville University
Brett Bixler, Lead Instructional Designer with Training Services, Penn State University
Ellen Wagner, Executive Director for WCET
Kevin Kelly, Co-founder and Senior Maverick at Wired magazine

Also presenting will be Steve Abubato, the renowned NJ broadcaster, who will lead a provocative discussion on issues pertinent to CIOs, CAOs, presidents and provosts at the invitation-only Executive Dinner on Wednesday evening.

On Friday the 30th, there will be a round of Ignite sessions with some of the most innovative educators in the state to motivate attendees to take new ideas away from the conference and into their schools.

And there are many breakout sessions in tracks such as learning innovations, mobility and assessment.

The NJEDge Annual Conference package deal is discounted by 10% off last year’s registration cost. How often do you hear that a conference is lowering prices in this day and age?

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