Flipped Classrooms

This "new" idea of the "flipped classroom" may turn out to be the trend of the year, particularly in the K-12 world of education.

It's a reversed teaching model that has instruction delivered at home (mostly via interactive, teacher-created videos) and moves the HOMEwork to the classroom. The "lectures" at home can allow teachers to spend more 1:1 time with student and allow them to work with students when they are in the process of writing or doing research or working out math problems.

It makes sense to give students the opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with a guide-on-the-side. It also makes the use of peers and an intentional peer collaborative learning environment (rather than a cheating network) possible.

As advocates of flipped classrooms like Jac de Haan, author of the blog Technology with Intention, point out: "the focus of flipped teaching is different from other examples in that the technology itself is simply a tool for flexible communication
that allows educators to differentiate instruction to meet individual student needs and spend more time in the classroom focused on collaboration and higher-order thinking."

Then again, the idea that students watch "lectures" is not the most appealing approach to K-12 education - although we still embrace/tolerate/allow (choose your opinion) it in higher education. (See Eric Mazur's talk Confessions of a Converted Lecturer)

Here are some infographics on the flipped classroom approach.

Flipped Classroom
     Infographics by Knewton and Column Five Media

MORE   http://www.edutopia.org/blog/flipped-classroom-best-practices-andrew-miller


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