Grading With Flubaroo

Flubaroo is a Google Apps for Education integrated tool that lets you easily grade assignments and do in-class assessments. Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments.

It works with Google Docs. It is more than just a grading tool. It also computes average assignment score, average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions. It shows you a grade distribution graph and gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.

Join us to learn about how this tool works, and what's in store for Flubaroo in the future. Also join to share your experiences using this tool, and your ideas to improve it. For those interested in writing their own similar tools, we'll also spend a little time discussing how to get started writing Google Apps Scripts.

Flubaroo is an project.

This Google+ Hangout video archive was part of the Education On Air conference on May 2, 2012. Watch to learn about how this tool works, and what's in store for Flubaroo in the future.


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