Presentation Zeitgeist

Slideshare does an annual "Zeitgeist" about what people are doing with their presentations these days.

For 2011, they found that:

– the average presentation has 22 slides, up from 19 in 2010.
- Japanese presentations have the most slides per presentation, but they have reduced their average number of slides from 42 in 2010 to 29 in 2011.
- men still include more slides than women in their presentations
- the average file size for presentations was 9.2MB, up from 7.9MB in 2010.
- as far as tagging, the “business” tag remained in first place, with “marketing” and “design” replacing “market” and “research” from 2010.
- relative traffic comes mostly from technology blogs - Techcrunch was #1 with Mashable, Read Write Web, VentureBeat, and GigaOm close behind.
- Microsoft PowerPoint at 81% crushes Apple's Keynote at 1.7% of the posted presentations.



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