Thinking Online

You can call it brainstorming, concept mapping or mindmapping (and, yes, there are differences) but we ask students to organize their thoughts and using some of the free online options make sense. is concept mapping text style with a nice interface. A central idea branches off to other thought bubbles can be easily created or deleted. is also a basic way to create a mindmap with icons, shapes and colors that can be shared or exported in several formats including PDF. is simple and similar to the previous tools and it allows you to move and regroup with drag and drop. is a more robust tool with clipart and the ability to import images or video (from YouTube) with a familiar interface that looks like MS Office. let's you click to add content, icons and images from a library or other sources, notes, links and attachments. The free version has ads and you are limited to how many free maps you can create - which might be fine for having students use it for one project.


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