Microsoft Releases Math 4.0 Free


Microsoft has released a new version of its math education software Mathematics 4.0, making it available as a free download for the first time. Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 is designed for students in middle school through early college. It teaches users how to solve
equations and reviews fundamental math and
science concepts.

Microsoft had charged for the previous version,but this free new version has been downloaded 250,000 times since its January 2011 release. The programs runs on Windows XP, Vista, and 7, as well as Windows Server 2003 and 2008.

The software includes a graphing calculator capable of plotting in 2D and 3D, a formulas and equations library, a triangle solver, a unit conversion tool, ink handwriting support for tablet or ultra-mobile PC use and a new feature enabling a user to create a custom movie where a 3D graphed image shifts among multiple shapes as variables change.

Microsoft also provides an 18-page step-by-step guide on the program's functions.

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