Aligning the Ubiquitous Campus - 2010 NJEDge.Net Annual Conference


The 2010 NJEDge.Net Annual Conference will be held from November 17 to 19. Conference 7.0 is a forum for the NJ K-20 community to showcase, discuss and explore with colleagues on what is prevalent on the ubiquitous campus.

Aligning the Ubiquitous Campus examines the changing learning environment as the new decade of students use Social Media tools to study and socialize. How do teachers teach, and students learn? How does the IT infrastructure stay secure and accessible? Ultimately, there is overarching concern of how an institution remains mission critical in face of budget cuts.

I'll be attending the conference again this year and presenting on Thursday about adopting open textbooks.

The sessions kick off on Wednesday with "From the Clouds: Google Digital Books and Education Apps in Large Classes", presented by Chris Palma & Cristin Frodella of Google

Other Speakers include:

- David Pogue is the personal-technology columnist for the New York Times. Each week, he contributes a print column, an online column, an online video and a popular daily blog, "Pogues’Posts." David is knowledgeable as he is witty. His “iPhone: The Music Video” is poignant and hilarious.
- Michael L. Wesch, was honored as one of four US Professor of the Year (2008). Michael who teaches at Kansas State University is hailed a pioneer in video blogging and has one of the widely watched YouTube segment on “Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us.”
- Dr. Perry Samson, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, created Web-based software, Lecture Tools which lets students use their computers during classes to pose anonymous questions, mark up lecture slides, and answer questions posed by the instructor in real time. Perry’s own YouTube segment is on 2010 Winter, Hurricanes and Tornadoes and Floods! Oh My!


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