Non-Profit Use of Moodle

Samaritans is a registered UK charity with over 18,000 volunteers. They offer 24-hour confidential support to anyone in emotional distress.And Samaritans has now developed a series of e-learning courses in Moodle to provide a cost-effective and convenient way for volunteers to be trained in their own homes.

It is interesting but not really surprising that non-profits would turn to open source software for training. Beyond the value considerations, online training gives a way to fit training into volunteers' personal schedules.

The organization isn't doing their training totally free of cost. Moodle Partner HowToMoodle is providing Moodle consultancy, training, customization and hosting for them. Moodle Partners are a worldwide group of authorized service companies committed to financially supporting the open source Moodle project. They provide a range of optional commercial services for Moodle users around the world. I use Moodle to teach my grad courses at NJIT and NJIT uses MoodleRooms as their provider.

You can read a case study about using Moodle to provide e-learning for volunteers - How To Moodle Case Study - Samaritans.


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