

One of Google's recent announcements that connects to the higher education community was the  announcement about a new course-scheduling system, CloudCourse.

CloudCourse is integrated with Google Calendar and allows users to schedule classes, look up user profiles, and sync the service's data with internal university systems. CloudCourse was built entirely on Google's App Engine, which allows users to build and host Web apps.

One of the goals of CloudCourse to to illustrate how to use the App Engine.

Potentially, CloudCourse could be used to manage class rosters with tools that allow users to look at enrolled versus waitlisted students, mark student attendance, and change a student's enrollment status in a course.

The vast majority of colleges already have an internal system to complete these kinds of tasks and Google knows that.  But Google partially designed this system with businesses, not higher ed, in mind.

Still, add this to other services that Google offers to schools for free (like mail service and Apps) and you can see a trend to enterprise software in the cloud and at little or no cost to an institution.

Can a Google University be so far away?


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