Blio eReader


All the buzz is about Apple iPad, but a new software program also holds promise for education.

Blio is free eReader software that presents electronic books & magazines. It includes full-color pages in 3D, and preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics while allowing you to insert highlights, notes, videos, and even webpages. Selected books also go hands-free with Blio’s read-aloud feature.

There's a Blio Bookstore with access to over one million free books and a library of today’s bestsellers and you can take your library mobile by syncing to your favorite mobile device. (The bookstore was created in partnership with Baker & Taylor, the world’s largest distributor of literary content and value-added services, and the world’s largest publishers.)

Blio was announced at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). It comes from education technology pioneer Ray Kurzweil, creator of Kurzweil Educational Systems. It is not yet available as of this writing, but it's already getting its own buzz.


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