Interesting Ways To Use Tech in the Classroom

Just a short post to send you over to Tom Barrett's blog. It's a good example of a classroom teacher blogging and putting together useful  and creative classroom resources and ideas. Tom teaches at a large primary and nursery school in north Nottinghamshire, England.

Okay, so a bunch of people reading this post who teach in the upper levels and higher ed just clicked off to another site. Too bad. Educators need to look at what is being done at other levels and in other disciplines more often.

Tom has this "Interesting Ways to Use" series that has been quite successful. In his own words, his role is just to "kickstart them and point them off in the right direction" and then they become examples of crowdsourcing as others add to them.

Take as examples, "Interesting Ways to Use Search Engines in Your Classroom" (now with 36 suggestions in a Google Docs presentation) or the "43 Ways To Use Wordle" presentation.

He has collected many of them on one page at

It would be great to see more global collaboration such as this at other levels. Perhaps, this is one good educational use for Google Wave. (Tom has a presentation for Wave all ready - right now it's called "Zero Ways to Use Google Wave in Your Classroom" - which is the way a lot of us feel right now.)


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