Internet Stats

Google has launched a new resource called "Google Internet Stats" (the microsite is hosted in the UK). The resource brings together data from five different industries using third party vendors as sources. Then it parses through the online data and gives us one-line factoids.

Here are some samples:
- Worldwide mobile phone subscription penetration is 61%.   eMarketer, March 2009
- Over 90% of iPhone users accessed mobile media in January.  NMA, March 2009
- 20 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.  YouTube, May 2009
- 5% of all time online is spent on Facebook.  Comscore, April 2009
- Users are 1.5 times more attentive when browsing YouTube than when watching TV.   Motorola (with Mindshare) and GM, partnered with YouTube, December 2008
- There are 1.6 billion people online worldwide, representing nearly 24%
of the world's population.", April 2009
- Over 90% of online merchants are planning to add rich media and social networking functions in 2009.   Internet Retailing, February 2009

The stats are in 5 areas for now - Technology, Macro Economic Trends, Media Landscape, Media Consumption, and Consumer Trends with subcategories in each. Technology includes Broadband, Mobile, Devices, and Speed.

You can also do a search into the stats.


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