The Graying of Facebook

senior Facebooking via Daily NewsIt's an old story. When mom and dad (or grandpa) discover and embrace anything that their kids like, that thing (band, TV show, movie, slang, website etc.) loses its cachet.

So, now that grownups have jumped into Facebook, the number of college and high school users has declined.

The decline is pretty significant - 20% (college) and 15% (high school) in six months. That is according to a post on ReadWriteWeb which in turn references a study from istrategylabs that used estimates that Facebook itself provides to advertisers.

Facebook users aged 55 and over have gone from less than a million to nearly six million in that same six months. This IS your father's Facebook! That means there are more 55+ Facebook users than high school students.

How does this affect Facebook's business strategy? Do they start aiming for the 35 - 54 year old users who are now the biggest group on the site?


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