Alexa is keeping track

Alexa Internet is a subsidiary company of, that is best known for its website that provides extensive information on web traffic to the public (free) and to other websites.

If you want to get a sense of what the world is looking at online, Alexa is a good place to start.

For example, today's "Hot Searches" are: miss world 2006, amish, nokia n95, mark foley, and terrell owens.

Here are some specialized stats you can get from the site:

Movers & Shakers - the Top 10 Sites moving up or moving down in the traffic rankings, as measured by the change in the number of users visiting the site.

The Top U.S. sites or perhaps you want to compare those to the top sites visited (not the top sites hosted) in the U.K. or compared to Iran's most visited sites

If you are a foreign language teacher (or just speaker), you might want to see what is popular in that language - here are the most popular French sites today

You can look at subjects such as sports in general or just soccer or cricket.

Finally, you can see how popular a specific site is today by pasting in the URL. However, Alexa searches for the main host, so, for example, searching for our own Serendipity 35 blog actually turns up the ranking of our host NJIT (which has a traffic rank of 29,099 today - not bad considering the millions of sites out there).


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