Top Challenges in Teaching and Learning With Technology

I am spreading the word here about what some members of the EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning community are doing online that you might find of interest.

They started asking last summer about what the community felt were the big challenges facing teaching and learning with technology. That led to a community-generated list of the Top Challenges in Teaching and Learning, 2009.

The EDUCAUSE community has identified those top five as:
1. Creating learning environments that promote active learning, critical thinking, collaborative learning, and knowledge creation.
2. Developing 21st century literacies (information, digital, and visual) among students and faculty.
3. Reaching and engaging today's learner.
4. Encouraging faculty adoption and innovation in teaching and learning with IT.
5. Advancing innovation in teaching and learning with technology in an era of budget cuts.

Next, they took that list and started to build a network of solutions, and hope to showcase some innovations and inspire new ideas in the community.

The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative invites you to an "idea exchange" during a series of special, one-hour Solutions in Action webcasts. Each webcast addresses a specific challenge as community members briefly share their campus projects in a lightning round of presentations. No registration is required and each session will be hosted online in Adobe Connect, giving participants an opportunity to interact with speakers and each other.

The Solutions in Action Webcast Schedule: (all times are Eastern - past programs are archived and available - the links will take you to the archive or login page depending on the date)
• Monday, April 20, 1 p.m. ET  Reaching and Engaging Today's Learners
• Monday, May 18, 1 p.m. ET  Encouraging Faculty Adoption and Innovation in Teaching and Learning with IT
• Monday, June 22, 1 p.m. ET  Developing 21st-Century Literacies among Students and Faculty
• Monday, July 27, 1 p.m. ET  Advancing Innovation in Teaching and Learning (with IT) in an Era of Budget Cuts
• Monday, September 21, 1 p.m. ET  Creating Learning Environments that Promote Active Learning, Critical Thinking, Collaborative Learning, and Knowledge Creation

To access a webcast live, go to To join, select "Enter as a Guest", type in your name, and click on "Enter Room".

Connect to the community on their site at

There are also wikis for each of the challenges.

If you would like to showcase your own campus efforts and connect with colleagues or if you have an idea to share for any of the Challenges, please email ELI Program Administrator Carie Page at: cpage [at]


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