Getting Globally Social

Since social networking sites have gotten more attention lately because of news events, I thought it would be interesting to find what the most popular social networks are by country.

Read/Write Web built a map (using Alexa and Google Trends data for June 2009 Website traffic) and gathered this information.

In the United States, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter are the top three sites for socializing. Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are also the top 3 in Australia, and it is no surprise to me that Canada is close with Facebook, MySpace, and Flickr. Also close to the United States is France with Facebook, Skyrock, and MySpace, and Germany's use of Facebook, StudiVZ, and MySpace. The UK puts Facebook, Bebo, and MySpace on top. Obviously, Facebook (with 200 milion users) is big all over Europe. MySpace has lately lost its lead everywhere (except Guam).

is the leader in China and is actually the largest social network in the world (300 millions active accounts).

What's popular in Russian territories? V Kontakte (very Facebookish), and Odnoklassniki is strong in some former territories of the Soviet Union.

Google's Orkut is still going strong in India and Brazil.

(an American-based company) is on top in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Portugal, Mongolia, and Romania.

The big Arab community/portal is Maktoob.

Some others:
Iwiw in Hungary
Nasza-klasa in Poland
Cyworld in South Korea
Friendster in Philippines
Hives in Netherlands
Lide in the Czech Republic
Mixi in Japan
One in Latvia and Lithuania
Wretch in Taiwan
Zing in Vietnam


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