Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

Google has announced an addition to their scholarship programs. The Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities is a partnership with Lime to offer scholarships to students with disabilities who are pursuing university degrees in the field of computer science in Canada or the U.S.

Lime is a not-for-profit organization that brings together global corporations and people with disabilities, bringing to light an untapped source of talent. Scholarships will be granted for the 2009–2010 academic year, and recipients will be invited to attend an all-expenses-paid retreat at the Googleplex in Mountain View in 2010.

They hope that this program will increase opportunities for students with disabilities and encourage them to pursue careers in computer science. We also hope to foster long-lasting relationships through which these students can support each other over the course of their academic studies.

The deadline to apply for this year's Lime Scholarship is June 1, 2009. For complete details, visit

via Google Blog


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