Heart of Darkness

I will be doing a presentation at the NJAET conference (New Jersey Association for Educational Technology) on October 10th entitled "Heart of Darkness: Entering the Land of Digital Natives."

The official blurb says "Have you followed your students into the jungle of the wildly popular MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, SecondLife and Flickr? Did you even know that MoSoSo, Nerve, Plazes and Meetup existed? This Net travelogue will offer a tour into some of the forbidden lands inhabited by our students that you should experience as a teacher, parent and Netizen."

What I hope to do is take the (primarily K-12) teachers there on an hourlong tour up river. For those of you who have read Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness - or think you did because you saw the movie Apocalypse Now - that makes me Marlow and my Kurtz is all of the juicy Web 2.0 applications that students are using and that many teachers know nothing about.

Now, I know that you, dear reader, are reluctant to comment on a blog (Why? Well, that's another entry some day...), but I'd appreciate it if you would just check some items in the poll below. I'll focus on those topics that get the most votes. Thanks.

What sites/services used by their students should K-12 educators investigate?
Wikis (not just Wikipedia)
Rate-A-Teacher sites
Second Life
OTHER? Please post as a comment on the blog
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