NJ Faculty Best Practices Showcase


NJEDge.Net's Annual Faculty 2009 Best Practices Showcase: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning will take place Friday, March 13, 2009, at the College of Saint Elizabeth here in New Jersey.

At the Showcase, faculty from throughout New Jersey will present uses of technology and new instructional methodologies in Pre-K through Higher Education, post-secondary and healthcare related education. The focus of the showcase is not limited to technology; new pedagogical approaches are also important. Faculty will present a range of new applications and learning activities for face-to-face, hybrid and fully online courses. The goal of the presentations is to encourage other faculty attendees to employ innovative teaching methods and technologies in their own courses.

I will be doing a session on blogging and Elizabeth Nesius, my colleague at PCCC, will also be presenting. The Showcase is a bargain with registration at $35, so perhaps I will meet a few Serendipity35 readers there.


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