What Happened To That Digital Conversion Deadline?

I queued up a post for this week as a followup to my earlier post about the conversion of the American television system from analog to digital. February 17th was supposed to be the deadline for all TV stations to switch to digital transmissions, but that date was moved to June 12th, giving both the government and consumers more time to adjust.

Many stations went ahead with their plans to convert anyway.Television sets that use antennas and are not hooked up to cable companies can no longer receive signals from those stations that have switched from analog to digital transmissions.

"We are getting questions still about the date, which channels are switching, antenna issues, some folks still have coupon issues-- they were on the waiting list, or their coupon expired-- so there's a variety of issues," said Karen Beverly, Consumer and Industry Affairs Specialist for the FCC. "We're just trying to answer all the questions that we can."


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