Open Source Miro Video Player Version 2

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The Miro open-source video player has a new version 2.0 that is pretty much a total new design. New interface, you can browse while you watch, pop out any video to an external window and it seems faster even though hey say it will use less memory.Miro can play virtually any type of video file - Quicktime, WMV, MPEG, AVI, XVID, and more.  For Windows and Mac.

You can add streaming sites (like Hulu) and download sites (like to the sidebar and then download them to Miro with a single click. With YouTube's new HD support, the video quality can be incredible.

And Miro is NOT a company but a non-profit creation with volunteers around the world who created it in the spirit of openness
Miro is created by the Participatory Culture Foundation (a non-profit organization) and a global community of volunteers: coders, translators, testers, community leaders, Miro Guide moderators, and more. We're all working together with a shared goal: to create a more open and democratic video space.

You can actually get involved. With only about 40% of Miro users in English-speaking countries, they need help translating their website, and the Miro Guide. Tech types can test and code. User help new users by answering questions in the Miro discussion forums.

Get open!


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