Economic Indicators 2.0

I'll bet it's the dream of some Web 2.0 entrepreneurs that they create a cool product and then get bought by someone like Google.

The problem is that sometimes these services are bought and then they are left to wither and die.

A number of Google services are about to shut down. Google Video will shut down uploads in a few months. Not a shock. Google's own YouTube is more popular and probably redundant.

The Google Notebook team announced that though the service will continue, it will stop development.

Google Catalog search (searchable shopping catalogs) is closing too.

Not everything in the Lab or in Beta makes it to the world fully developed. Mashup Editor was never more than a limited, private beta.

Google is also closing Jaiku. This is an interesting case. Jaiku is a Twitter-like micro-blogging service that was bought by Google before it even launched and it never went beyond the invite-only phase of development. Now, they will release the Jaiku code under
the open source Apache license. Perhaps, someone will pick up the development.

My youngest son is graduating college this year, so both of us pay attention to jobs and recruiting stories. These are not good times. Google, which we all kind of assume is humming along, announced that cutting most of its contracts with external contractors and vendors providing recruiting services and 100 internal positions.They are also shutting down engineering offices in Texas, Norway and Sweden.


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