Snow Days

If you were lucky enough to get some snow days when you were a kid, and you ended up staying in education as an adult - then you know that it's just as exciting to have a day off from school when you are an adult.

Amazingly, though it is ruled to be too snowy to get to school, kids all over America are able to make it outside and to hills covered with snow.

I was thinking about Randy Parker in a Christmas Story all bundled up so he could no longer have any fun in the snow as I watched some kids last Friday sledding down the hill at the park.

I'm not crazy about shoveling snow, icy roads and all that, but I think I would miss snow days.

Apparently, in warmer climes they only get "weather-related cancellations"  which does not sound like any fun at all.

Where's the EdTEch in this? It's a stretch, but you can check to find cancellations or delays in your area, and the wonderfully titled lists school closings in 18 U.S. states and Washington DC.

I'm not sure if snow days translates all over the world, but I did find which can be used to find out if schools or colleges are closed in bad weather in the UK.


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