Pownce No More

Pownce, a Twitter competitor, is being killed off. It was acquired by Six Apart, but they will not support and continue it.

The service will end on December 15. Though users will be able to export their accounts to other services like Vox and retain their messages and media, those types of services don't offer microblogging. Chances are Pownce users will move to Twitter for that.

Some bloggers assume that the purchase was made to acquire "people" for the Six Apart team, and not servers, software or, oddly enough, users.

This is one of the dangers of using social media and networking tools; they can easily go away with all your content. It's one reason why I have my students use Google's Blogger for their class blog. I'm guessing that Google has a good chance to survive and will continue to improve the product.

Here's a blog post about the Pownce situation from one of the creators, Leah Culver.


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