New Digs

At long last we've been moved. Not that some posts and many comments haven't moved us in the spiritual sense, but we've finally moved into our new physical-virtual-cyber domicile.

After more than 2 and 1/2 years on a solid, but development, server at NJIT we've moved into our new spot on a 64 bit, smokin' fast, 8 CPU piece of hardware running a rock-solid operating system, FreeBSD 7.1. 

Just so we don't break any archives or links to older documents, the server will be alive and kicking for awhile, yet.  We'll leave that in place until we get a DNS namechange and this new server sports the name, too. That all should be mostly invisible; no one should need to move or change any bookmarks or links to Serendipity35.

And, no, we really haven't moved into a Cray server (see photo), but from a system administrator's perspective, it sure feels like we have.



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