Do I Want To Go Pro?


In the mail today:

Hi ronk53,

You have 184 photos stored on Flickr. Once you hit 200,
you'll need to upgrade to a Flickr Pro account or you'll
only be able to see your most recent 200 photos. Nothing
will be deleted, and if you upgrade, you'll have unlimited
space for all your things.

Perhaps you'd like to purchase a Flickr pro account? Its
unlimited and you get video and stats too!

Do I want to go pro?

I guess I'm like all the kids. I want all this online stuff to be free. So, I can just delete some old or stupid photos. I could create another account and get another 200 free. I could cough up the $24.95 for the upgrade.

What do you use? Do you pay to play pro? What photo sharing service do you use? How about Photobucket which advertises "Keep all your pics and videos in one place - room for up to 10,000 photos and hours of video! For free." Can that be true? 10,000 versus 200 - what is Yahoo! thinking?

Recommendations please...


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