Post Your Test is a site that invites students to post and view exams from their college classes or other classes iin order to, in their own words, "help you understand your course material or similar material, create study groups, and exchange other content with your classmates."

Sounds like a nightmare for teachers, but they also say on the site that it can be used by teachers "to post and view exams from your college classes or from classes around the world to see how other professors administer exams, and create class groups to facilitate organizing your events, content and classes."

So, you can use the site to cheat, and it can force teachers to change their exams and not reuse them. Probable bad, some possible good.

Recently, they made a policy change that eliminates the ability of professors to request that tests from their courses be banned from the site. Professors must now wait for content to be posted before requesting removal. Plus, they require that they have to submit a form stating that they actually own the copyright to the material and that their request meets requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Wow. "Require" and "faculty" don't usually go in the same sentence very comfortably. Monitor the site. Check if your exam is there.

(Oh yeah, they are a Facebook App and they are on MySpace too, of course.)


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