Your Exam Review in a Podcast

Another podcasting use that I've come across that makes good pedagogical sense.

Coastline Community College in California offers about twenty audio reviews for midterm and final exams for telecourses in a variety of areas.

When I put their RSS feed for the page into my Bloglines account, it came up with 26 links.

The quality varies in content and audio. One speaker calls it an "audio tape" so it might be that these were transfers from audio tapes. I looked/listened at materials from their Summer 2006 courses.

It's interesting that

  1. they are public (though, really, why not)
  2. they are for telecourses already have online components - like this philosophy course
  3. they are all 100 level courses

Here's a sample to try out - Psychology 118 - Human Development/Life Span -the Midterm Review and the Final Review

I'm curious if anyone else reading this knows of others schools that are offering audio reviews.


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