Visualize A House of Cards

Remember how the band Radiohead turned the idea of giving away an album but still making money into reality last year? (No? Check here)

That was 2007. Now, they have made a video for their "House of Cards" song (from In Rainbows) but they wanted to make the video without any cameras. They used lasers and data.

They employed two 3D scanning technologies. One, from Geometric Informatics was used to capture close objects. The second, a Velodyne LIDAR system uses several lasers to grab the wide shots.

According to info on Google, they used 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute to produce all the exterior scenes.

The Google folks were interested enough to post the video, and a behind the scenes video.Go play with the data visualization using a 3D viewer and you can use your mouse to manipulate the data. That's how I made the image in this post.

If you're more ambitious and a better coder than me, download the data and create your own visualizations.

If you create something cool, share it on the House of Cards YouTube group. At least watch the videos - all the toys are at


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