The Wikipedia School of Education

When I started in instructional technology at NJIT in 2000, one of my fears was that I would be dealing with professors who were focused on research and had little interest in pedagogy. There were certainly some of those professors. A research university (especially a science and technology university) breeds those and nurtures them. But I was very pleasantly surprised that the teachers who came to the workshops and seminars we offered on a regular basis were very interested in pedagogy. A number of those faculty members told me that, "Basically I teach the way I was taught. I try to imitate the good teachers and avoid the bad things I saw as a student."

I clearly remember a workshop we did on designing assignments using Bloom's Taxonomy. No one in the group had ever heard of Benjamin Bloom. They knew taxonomies and liked that it had a nice scientific taste. The conversation was quite heated with people disagreeing with what I (Bloom) was calling "knowledge."

Over my seven years there, I did many workshops that mixed technology & pedagogy and I came to appreciate for myself many of the topics like Bloom, learning styles, curriculum design, rubrics etc. that were an everyday part of the educational world I had lived in for a few decades.

I was looking for some links in Wikipedia a few weeks ago to use for a workshop and realized that I was building quite a list of bookmarks that started to sound like a syllabus for an education course.

I'm putting a list of them here as a kind of Wikipedia education course. The articles are a good starting place in learning about some people and topics in education. One of the things I do like about using Wikipedia is that the external links at the bottom of an article are often a nicely selected way to start your own research - and much more filtered than a Google search.

  1. John Dewey
  2. William Spady
  3. Jean Piaget
  4. Benjamin Bloom
  5. Marc Tucker
  6. Maria Montesori -
  7. Outcome-based education
  8. Cognitive load
  9. Standards-based education reform
  10. Outcomes-based education
  11. Developmentally Appropriate Practice
  12. Holism
  13. Constructivism
  14. Active learning
  15. Problem-based learning
  16. Discovery learning
  17. Inquiry-based science
  18. Inventive spelling
  19. Open-space schools
  20. Small schools movement
  21. Inclusion
  22. Learning standards
  23. National Science Education Standards
  24. National Reading Panel
  25. Standards-based mathematics
  26. No Child Left Behind Act and some of its components like
  27. Adequate Yearly Progress
  28. School-to-work transition
  29. National Skill Standards Board
  30. Standards-based assessment
  31. Authentic assessment
  32. Criterion-referenced test
  33. Norm-referenced test
  34. Standards-based assessment

I'll label these as "K-12" and hope that higher ed readers will be smart enough to see the connections.


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