America's Digital Schools

The 2008 America's Digital Schools report asked superintendents, curriculum directors, and technology directors what they thought would be the important areas in the future of ed tech as a learning tool. The six top areas they identified are:

  1. one-to-one computing
  2. online assessment
  3. new computing devices
  4. interactive whiteboards
  5. learning management systems (LMS)
  6. growing bandwidth needs

However, implementation of these and other technologies leaves little funding for new initiatives, and bandwidth issues are limiting the scope of interaction students can have with technology.

The report, conducted by Thomas W. Greaves of The Greaves Group and Jeanne Hayes of The Hayes Connection, isolates the most important ways in which technology is changing teaching and learning and identifies the implications of those changes for the future.The results were compiled from a survey of more than 400 school administrators between April and September 2007.


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