So, you think Facebook is just a waste?

You think social media is just another Net fad not worth considering? BusinessWeek reports that Facebook, which launched just two years ago by a group of sophomores at Harvard University led by Mark Zuckerberg, is the seventh-most heavily trafficked site on the Internet. How does 5.5 billion page views (2/06) sound? It beat out,, and Disney.

They have already passed on an offer of $750-million from an unnamed bidder. Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation bought the other current hot site, MySpace, in November 2005 for $580-million. The Facebook team thinks the $1-2 billion range sounds right.

Thinking MySpace is old news? MySpace had 37.3 million unique visitors during the month of February and 23.5 billion page views, making it the second-most trafficked site after Yahoo. That means it beat out giants like MSN and Google.


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