Dear Wavers

I got a "Dear Wavers" email from Google last week. It's a "Dear John" letter following up on their announcement from last year that they Google Wave would no longer be developed as a separate product.

Though some people were using the Wave product and were sad to see the experiment end, it never caught on in any big way, especially in education. Google originally said they would maintain the site at least through to the end of 2010, so they did give it an extra year. But it will be sunseting and "as of January 31, 2012, all waves will be read-only, and the Wave service will be turned off on April 30,2012."

Users should export individual waves using the existing PDF export feature before April 30, 2012. (see their help center)

Google also suggests some open source projects to try. Apache Wave is one of those. Another project called Walkaround includes an experimental feature that lets you import all your Waves from Google (but grab them before April 30).


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